Wednesday, 25 July 2012

WOYWW 25th July '12

Salaam and Good evening, my friends. (LOL. Why do I sound like the narrator from Disney's 'Alladin'?) My apologies for being late with my entry for this week's WOYWW. It's been a gorgeous day here for once, Mr Mojo finally made an appearance and I have been trying to make the most of both situations!! So this morning I was entertaining Mr Mojo and this afternoon I took the kids out to a local park. It was mobbed!  But the kids had fun anyway.

Yes, it's a little bit messy-ish. Mostly the papercrafting stuff is where it should be though. I don't know what happened to me but Mr Mojo was in the mood for sewing! First time in absolute years that the poor sewing machine has seen action. In fact, Mr Mojo has been working on me for about 5 days now and I have spent 4 of those days cutting out various pieces. Today was the first day that the sewing actually happened. Yay!

This photo is a bit more 'wide-angle' than usual just to show you the presence of the ironing board. Now, I hate and loathe ironing with a passion. In fact, in this household it's my better half (aka Himself) that does that ironing. However, I am not averse to Pressing. Now, you must understand that Pressing is completely different beast to ironing. Ironing = drudgery = boredom = something I DON'T DO. Pressing on the other hand = an activity integral to the sewing process to make things look properly finished. That, I can most certainly do!! Especially since I've discovered that I can set the ironing board at the right height for sitting down in my craft chair while I'm pressing the seams. Yay! I don't even have to move, I can simply swivel the chair and press. (Remember my previous post where I confessed my laziness? Yes, classic example here!)

Anyway, so today I have been ruching and gathering and hopefully it will all be finished later tonight or tomorrow morning. Pictures will follow as soon as it is all finished!

Now, excuse me but the sewing machine is calling and I have another seam that needs pressing. Hop over to Julia's blog to check out what all the other WOYWW'ers have been up to. Thankfully, due to my late posting, there will be plenty of others to browse through!

See you soon!

PS. I've just realised that I never finished showing you holiday snaps! More will follow soon. Perhaps even tomorrow... if my sewing project is finished by then!


  1. now ironing is a swear word i agree but pressing,that comes out a different catagory :)
    happy woyww
    kay #35

  2. Lol - you are soooo right!! Pressing is way better than ironing! My board is all set up in my craft room, that was a revelation to me when I started sewing three years ago how much that pressing items helped with the overall construction and finish of the item. I'm so happy that you've been inspired to get your sewing machine out again, it sounds as if you're having a blast!!
    Hugs, LLJ #28 xx

  3. PS I'm your newest follower :) xx

  4. I love love love your craft space! I am green!!! jenx 61

    1. Aww thanks Jen. I've only just had it done a few months ago! It's pretty much all IKEA, including the worktop. I'm loving that I have a space to craft in now!!

  5. Gosh another sewing person which I am NOT. Will let you into a secret here, we don't do ironing at our place, in fact the last time I saw our iron it was hiding in the back of a cupboard in the laundry....notice I called it 'our' iron as opposed to 'my iron'?

    You're prob shuddering with the visual of us wearing creased and crinkled clothes but that's not the case, I just hang things carefully on the line (if it's sunny) or else they go into the dryer.

    Point taken though about the difference between ironing and pressing, good on you for sitting while doing it too!

    Have a great crafty week
    Cheers, Elaine #10

  6. Tee hee, it is Ian who does the ironing in this house also.Ruching and gathering hmmm, I am intrigued...I wonder...need to wait and see I suppose !!!How's the eating plan going ?

  7. Hi Anthea, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris


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