Sunday, 6 March 2011

I'm a loser baby!

3lbs off at the scales yesterday!! Happy! Happy! Happy! I wonder how much my hair weighed?? LOL. Probably not 3lbs. Certainly I feel lighter than I did and actually felt like glamming it up for church this morning. Not often I do that, but it seemed a good time to do it.

This evening I'm on a mission to update my Weightloss page with my figures from last year. I can't promise any real commentary though as it all seems so long ago and I've slept since.

I'm loving the comments I've had on the blog lately. Keep 'em coming cause they make me H-A-P-P-Y!

Oh, and come back on Tuesday morning. I'm joining in with the For The Love Of Blogs 'Tasty Tuesday' feature and I've got a cracking Weight Watchers recipe to share with you!

See you soon!


  1. Wow! well done Anthea what answered prayer - it is such a blessing I skipped out weigh in at WW again this week, not because I have been bad but because I'm still unwell. I will go, God willing, next week.. will look back for your recipe tomorrow sounds great... I lost 22kg (which was over 33% of my body weight), and have been at goal since 2006, but put on 5 kilos that were not there then and want to get off again.. so will keep trying too,
    God bless,
    Shaz in Oz.x

  2. Great job on the 3lbs! That is so excellent! It's great that you use WW and are so successful! I love their new program and lost almost 17lbs after my son was born, but stopped the regime recently. I've been dieting and losing weight for like... 12 years. It's so rough especially when you're always trying and never getting to your main target goal!

    And thanks for stopping by my blog this weekend! Your daughters have beautiful names and I actually had never looked up the meaning of Lewis, so thanks for sharing! I'm glad to meet someone else who is into names like we are! I think naming girls will be the hardest for sure!

    Have a great week!

  3. Very well done on your weight loss! I wish I could get into it too!


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